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Welcome! The University Career Center (UCC) is the centralized career services office for the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. We work with students from all majors and degree levels, which allows you to reach a broad range of students with varied career interests. We welcome your interest in recruiting current students for internships and entry-level permanent positions.
Post a Job or Internship to all University of Michigan students on our online recruiting system Handshake. -or-
- Limiting your search to only Engineering majors?
Please connect with the Engineering Career Resource Center - Limiting your search to only MBA/Accounting majors?
Please connect with Career Development Office at the Ross School of Business - Limiting your search to only experienced hires?
Please connect with the UM Alumni Association - For a comprehensive list of all career offices within the University of Michigan system, please visit HireBlue
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Recruiting Team
Assistant Director of Employer Relations
Career Events Manager
Recruitment Coordinator
Experiential Learning Coordinator