Graduate School

Every year, at least one fourth of all University of Michigan seniors enter graduate or professional programs immediately upon graduation, while many others will wait a few years prior to pursuing an advanced degree.

Should you go to graduate school? Only you can answer that question, but the decision will be a lot easier and sounder if you tap into all resources available to you on campus and beyond—professors, advisors, career counselors, UM alumni, family and friends—to help you:

  • Assess your interests, values, goals, dreams, and abilities honestly and realistically
  • Become familiar with types of degrees and degree levels
  • Understand applicability, marketability and scope of the degree(s) considered
  • Talk to people in the field, read about relevant issues, spend time in the communities and settings that you wish to join one day professionally
  • Build a competitive profile, both in terms of academic and non-academic preparation
  • Practice articulating reasons for wanting to pursue the degree of choice—connecting your skills,personal traits, academic and life experiences, professional interests, etc. to your targeted field
  • Investigate ways to finance your education
  • Research schools and programs—understand programs’ nuances
  • Fully understand application process, timelines and mechanics
  • Decide where and when to apply.

To meet with members of the University Career Center staff to talk about if/when graduate/professional school might be right for you, schedule an appointment online or call our Information Desk at (734) 764-7460. 

You can also check out the Applying to Grad School resources.

All application related questions and personal statement reviews will be handled through individual schools/colleges. Reach out to the career coaches and/or academic advisors in your school/college for help.

Schedule an Appointment @ The UM University Career Center