Faculty and Staff

Partnerships and Referrals

The goal of The Career Center is to prepare University of Michigan students and alumni/ae to be active participants in planning and implementing their career decisions. Developing relationships with faculty and staff, and with schools, colleges and departments, plays a crucial part in helping us fulfill the goal. We are very interested in building partnerships with academic units to help students reach their goals. Please contact us at any point to discuss how we may work together.

Partnerships with The Career Center
There are many ways that we work with academic units to enhance our services for students. We are always interested in discussing strategies that will work best for each individual situation. Programs and workshops co-sponsored with academic units are one particularly effective way of reaching students. A session open to all students but sponsored by your unit is one option, as is an event tailored uniquely to the needs of your students.

Contact us via email at [email protected] to explore options for working together.

Referring Students to The Career Center
The Career Center works with students at every academic level, from first year student to the graduate student. Our services and resources cover a wide range of career issues, including the full time job and internship search, and applying to graduate and professional schools. Students may connect with The Career Center in many ways. This section highlights several services we offer, with suggestions for how you may refer a student to our office.

  • Career advising is available every week day, with a variety of time-slots offered. Students can schedule an appointment on-line for help to get started in our office or to address specific issues such as resume critiques, personal statement review, and beginning a job search. Students may also call (734-764-7460) or stop in to schedule an appointment.
  • Programs and Events: There are a wide range of programs and special events covering topics related to career exploration, job and internship search, and preparing for graduate and professional school. Many of these programs are sponsored with academic units. Programs tend to be informal in nature, usually with no pre-registration required. A full listing of programs for the current semester is available on our calendar of events.