Preparing for Your Job Search

You have taken time to assess your skills and strengths, and have explored your career options.  Now, you are ready to prepare to launch your job search! 

UCC PhD Guide for Resumes and Cover Letters- First, you can check out this excellent resource that we have developed that helps PhD students to develop resumes and cover letters. 

CV to Resume - It is important to be able to articulate your skills and experiences to your next employer, through a well-written resume. Following are some articles, websites and posts to help you create a resume, or transition your CV to a resume, for your job search.

Cover Letter Writing - It is important to be able to articulate your transferable skills to your next employer through an effective cover letter that connects your experiences to the position you are seeking.  Following are some articles, websites and posts to help you craft a well written cover letter.

Interview Preparation and Practice - It is important to be able to articulate your skills and experiences in an interview. Following are some articles, websites and posts to help you develop your interview strategy and prepare for interviews.

LinkedIn - It is important that your LinkedIn profile reflects your past experiences, and connects you to where you want to go, professionally. Find out more on building strong profiles

Workshops and Events - Check out these sources for group presentations and workshops that will help you prepare for your job search!

Career Coaching -

  • Before Your Appointment: Create a LinkedIn Account and create a profile on Handshake; Identify your transferable skills; Create a resume/cover letter draft.
  • During Your Appointment: Meet with a Career Coach to talk about your resume, cover letters, LinkedIn profile, and to gain confidence presenting your skills and experiences to employers.