PSIP Alumni Connections


PSIP maintains connections with many alumni, who we encourage to engage with our program and students. Students are matched one-on-one with an Alumni Mentor, who can offer tips and career information.  PSIPers can also informational interview our alumni to get internship search tips and employer recommendations. Alumni speak on Career Panels to inform PSIPers about career options, educational paths, and employer organizations.


 If you are a PSIP / U-M Alum living in the Metro D.C. area and want to connect with the program, contact PSIP Supervisor Pete Vandermeer at [email protected]. PSIP participants, who are current U-M undergraduate students from any academic discipline, highly value alum engagement. PSIP relies on alum support in a variety of ways.

Here are ways to get involved with PSIP: 

* Inform PSIP staff about internship opportunities you hear about in DC. If your organization is looking for summer DC interns or if you want to publicize a summer internship in DC to the PSIP cohort, please e-mail [email protected]

* Offer to be a PSIP Mentor in the summer. Mentoring is a small time commitment but has a substantive impact on a Michigan student by offering advice on career paths, making your way around the District, and sharing your story. Mentors often report this a great way to meet other Wolverines in DC. Mentors and mentees are matched largely by career interest. Matching takes place each May. If you are interested in becoming a Mentor, please contact PSIP Supervisor Lynn Halton at [email protected]

* Take Part in Events - While PSIP participants spend their summers in DC, the program offers several events for them to engage in, many relying on alum participation for career panels, employer visits, or behind-the-scenes tours. If you are interested in serving on a panel, hosting a group of PSIPers to your place of employment, or want to donate your time in another way, please e-mail [email protected]

* Host a Welcome Reception - When the student cohort arrives in DC, alumni host and attend a Welcome Reception to offer a warm U-M welcome to students.  You can host a reception at your workplace or sponsor it to help cover the cost of food for the interns.

* Donate to the PSIP Scholarship Fund - Spending the summer in Washington DC can be cost prohibitive. Our participants do their best to live economically in DC. We want PSIP to be available to students from all backgrounds. Alums play a vital role in helping offset these costs by giving to the PSIP Scholarship Fund. PSIP funds are also substantively used to provide summer programming opportunities including professional development and intercollege events. Please consider giving to PSIP.