Law school personal statement

Since each school has its own application, the directions for the personal statement can vary from school to school. Read the directions carefully and consider what it is you really want the law schools to know about you that cannot be found elsewhere on the application. Your statement should be a document that can pull together your disparate experiences, interests and qualities. In the eyes of an admission committee, your reflection on actual experiences and past accomplishments usually has more value than speculations about future accomplishments. Be brief, factual, and, above all, be organized in telling your story. What you say is just as important as “how” you say it. Whenever possible, support your writing with concrete examples from your own life experiences. If you are given the option of writing any “optional” essays, it may be in your best interest to oblige given that some schools use optional essays as a gauge to measure your interest in their particular school.

Have your statement reviewed by people who know you to make sure it is an accurate reflection of you and your values, but also by people who do not know you to garner more objective feedback. 

Law school personal statements can be reviewed at Peers Advisors at Sweetland Center for Writing, and LSA Academic Advising (734) 764-0332.

This self reflection exercise may aid you in your preparation to writing a law school personal statement. You may wish to use some of the ideas generated from going through this exercise as a springboard for your application essay/s.